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porcelain veneers

Porcelain and Composite Veneers: Which One is Better?

Cosmetic dental treatment is the most commonplace dental practice in order to achieve the perfect smile. One such thing that cosmetic dental surgery in Melbourne covers is veneers. Unlike crowns that cover the entire tooth — front and back — dental veneers are thin shells, fixed over the front of your teeth to correct any […]

Common Porcelain Veneers FAQs Answered

Thinking about getting porcelain veneers treatment for yourself? Searching for more information like How will they change my teeth? What is the procedure like? How much do they cost? These are all great questions to ask. So today, our dentist in Melbourne is going to answer all of your porcelain veneers treatments FAQs!

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    (03) 9670 5640

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    Friday:- 8.00am to 3.00pm

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