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  • By Admin
  • September 3, 2021
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Dental crowns not only provide a natural-looking aesthetic solution for people who are dissatisfied with their smile, but also give the finishing touch for many root canal procedures. The crown is made from porcelain or a combination of porcelain and metal that offers additional strength, durability and stability to the remaining tooth structure after root canal treatment.

While putting dental crowns is the final step of root canal, they may not be required for the front teeth as these aren’t used for chewing/grinding food. Molars in particular, are extensively used for chewing, exposing them to intensive wear and tear.

Covering the cusps of the root-filled molar tooth gives it strength and an ability to withstand the wear and tear. According to one study by Nagasiri et al 2005, around 96% of the root filled molar teeth that don’t have crowns would last only for a year.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatments are designed to treat an advanced infection of a tooth. A hole is drilled at the top of the affected tooth to clear the infected pulp that preserves the tooth and prevents the spread of infection. Even with the use of advanced dental technology, the process of drilling and clearing the infected pulp can weaken the structure of the tooth. To ensure that there are no complications in the future, a dental crown is used to hold up the vulnerable tooth.

Why is it Important To Put A Dental Crown After Root Canal Treatment?

Strengthens the Remaining Structure of the Tooth

The tooth tends to become brittle once the root canal procedure is completed. Dentists recommend dental crowns to cover the affected tooth and reinforce it to strengthen its structure, preventing further damage over time.

Reduces exposure to bacteria

After the root canal treatment, the affected tooth is at a high risk of being exposed to bacteria and germs that our mouth encounters through the day. Dental crowns offer much more than a great aesthetic appeal, it also helps prevent decay by sealing the operated area.

If you have any queries regarding dental crowns or root canal treatment, book an appointment with Melbourne Dentist CBD. Dr Leila Zamani is an experienced dental practitioner specialising in cosmetic dentistry.

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