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  • By Admin
  • October 22, 2019
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The pain – both physical and mental – of losing a tooth or two is hard to bear. Besides, missing tooth/teeth not only affect your overall health but also takes a toll on self-esteem.  With new inventions and technological advancements in the dental field, there are numerous cosmetic dentistry solutions that can restore your smile to its original glory.  Among the many solutions, dental implants have become quite popular in recent times.

Dental implants are a relatively new concept, and so many people have apprehensions. We have tried to compile a list of some common, but important questions our patients ask us before they lay down on the dentist’s car

dental implants melbourne

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is primarily a titanium post that’s placed into your jaw. It acts like an artificial tooth root that supports a crown or cap. As compared to dentures, implants offer a mixed fixed and long-lasting solution. Contrary to what’s commonly believed, a dental implant replaces just the roots and doesn’t make up the entire replacement tooth.  Once an implant is placed inside the jaw, the dentist places the crown on top of it.

Does My Body Reject An Implant?

It’s rare that a person’s body rejects an implant. In most cases, the jawbone accepts dental implant; however a handful of cases where the body rejects it occurs due to unusual allergy to the titanium alloy. Besides, another reason for implant failure happens due to lack of proper care after surgery. If you fail to maintain oral hygiene, eventually results in a fallout.

Are Dental Implants Visible?

Not one soul, including you, will be able to tell you’ve got a dental implant. Implants are built in such as a way that they feel completely natural in your mouth. The dentist matches the exact colour and shape of your other teeth to the implant. The only way to find out where you’ve got a dental implant requires a radiograph that detects metal that replaced the root.

Should I take Special Care for the Implant?

No, you don’t need to put any extra “efforts” to care for implants. They require the same care as your natural teeth. Regular checkups, proper oral hygiene and a wholesome healthy diet ensure your implants last for a lifetime. Moreover, flossing every day is the key to keep dental implants healthy.  Most cases of tooth decay or loss occur due to patients not flossing regularly.

If you want to learn more about dental implants, contact Dr Leila Zamani. A well-qualified and experienced dentist in Melbourne in CBD, she offers the best possible treatment plans, that suits your unique requirements.

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