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  • By Admin
  • July 26, 2021
  • 0 Comment

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the recent retirement of Dr Harry Imber who continues to be a patient of my dental practice.

Dr Harry Imber started his medical practice in William Street Melbourne about 40 years ago.

About 14 years ago I joined with the William Street Clinic and started my dental practice in premises shared with Dr Harry’s medical practice.

Both my dental practice and the medical practice looked after people working in what is known as Melbourne’s legal precinct. We were both very proud of giving the best service to our patients and also very punctual which is quite important as our patient were mainly time poor professionals.

I wish Dr Imber a very happy and long retirement.

As I am his dentist I will continue seeing him but will miss him during the day as it was a joy to have him around the practice.

Also I highly recommend the team of doctors now at William Street Clinic and assure our mutual patient that they will continue (just like me) to give them the best care just as they have been previously receiving.

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    (03) 9670 5640

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    Friday:- 8.00am to 3.00pm

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